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Visualize your operations outside the control room

Supervisory and Control

Published on 11/06/2024

Updated on 01/10/2024

3 min reading



Many of you probably have a clear idea of what a control room looks like. We often imagine several desktop computers, as well as monitors and numerous screens taking up a large part of the space. If that's the image you have in mind, you're probably right.

Today, operations are mainly monitored in a control room. However, thanks to constant advances in technology and improved performance, much of this work can now be carried out remotely.
To improve the monitoring of your operations and remain competitive, it is essential to adopt advanced visualization and control tools that surpass traditional PC-based interfaces.
Thanks to its open architecture, the AVEVA InTouch HMI is a flexible tool and an excellent foundation for developing customized web-based customer applications.


What are the advantages of InTouch Web?

Available since version 2017U3, the InTouch Web Client function for InTouch Standalone and Supervisory Client For System Platform, provides operators with supervision web interfaces composed from graphic symbols and viewed via an HTML5 web browser. Here are just a few of the benefits of InTouch Web :


inTouch Web - AVEVA


Ready to use, easy to configure

Its small digital footprint, backward compatibility with all versions of AVEVA InTouch HMI and scalability make it ideal for small, medium and large companies. Ready to use after InTouch installation, without re-engineering, it can display real-time and historical data from the AVEVA InTouch HMI and the AVEVA System Platform.


Converting InTouch synoptics to graphic symbols

Available since version 2020 of InTouch Web, this feature lets you convert InTouch synoptics into web pages directly available in the InTouch Web server.


Use InTouch Web outside your factory network

One of the greatest advantages of the InTouch Web solution comes from its secure HTML5 technology. By enabling plant personnel to securely access data from any smart device, you improve efficiency, share real-time information and reduce operator workload.


Widget technical support

By natively supporting Widget technology, you can provide your remote InTouch web operators with functionalities such as data display in carousel mode, QR Code reading or even map display and real-time data overlay.



InTouch Web - smartphone 









InTouch Web from your cell phone

Available with version 2020, a mobile application (AVEVA Mobile Operations) is available for Android & iOS. It enables InTouch web to be operated from a smartphone.



Dynamic dashboard creation

Available since version 2023, InTouch Web integrates a new feature called “Workspaces”, enabling InTouch web users to freely and autonomously create dashboards without the need for the WindowMaker development tool.


Workspaces - aveva - intouch


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