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Next-generation HMI 5 key benefits for better control of your operations

Supervisory and Control

Published on 05/06/2024

Updated on 16/09/2024

5 min reading


Today's industrial and manufacturing companies need to adapt to maintain their competitiveness. They need to efficiently connect factory workers with essential information, and do so faster than ever before. While traditional human-machine interfaces (HMIs) have been useful for operators for years, new modern solutions now extend these benefits to teams outside the control room. Today, companies are leveraging HMI technologies to ensure effective management of remote and mobile operations. By creating an innovative working environment for industrial operations, your organization can reap many benefits. Here are the top five benefits that hybrid-Cloud HMI solutions can offer your business.

1. A high-performance graphics engine for greater situational awareness

Users often lack relevant insights and visualizations due to poor user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). However, advances in visualization technology today offer users the clarity they need to understand the recent past, present and projected future. They have greater situational awareness.




Operators achieve far better results when they use effective visualizations to identify and solve problems and improve operational performance. Awareness of critical operations is now easier than ever. Thanks to more advanced software, from graphs to wizards, templates and elements, an enriched user experience and real-time, contextualized information are provided. When operators have access to real-time information and reliable data, they can quickly identify and react appropriately to abnormal events and anomalies.


2. A man-machine interface, accessible anywhere, anytime

The latest-generation HMI solutions offer real-time visualizations that support localization thanks to dynamic language switching at runtime. They are natively designed for web, mobile and cloud. A new generation of connected employees can access plant activities anytime, anywhere.




Native cloud integration enables users to transfer variable data to the cloud, facilitating the creation of operational reports, graphs and dashboards. Solutions equipped with a QR code reader enable operators to use any smart terminal to scan a code and display dynamic HMI screens or interfaces, work instructions, or any other contextual information.

From inventory management to access to standard operational instructions, the possibilities offered by QR codes are virtually limitless. What's more, solutions based on a hybrid-Cloud architecture enable traditional HMI displays, originally designed for a desktop environment, to be deployed on the web, without the need for re-engineering.


3. Efficient engineering with a modern look and feel

Operators are not developers, and their programming and scripting skills vary considerably. They need to be able to make configuration changes without the help of a “super administrator” or Python programmer. The right solution is to give users the power and flexibility to create their own customized views and dashboards without the need for programming, scripting or other development tools. With simple drag & drop, users can deploy dynamic, consistent visualizations and customized HMI applications on any PLC / RTU, mobile device or operating system, regardless of size or manufacturer.





The adoption of common graphic standards across all devices helps operators to become more familiar with the software and more efficient, whatever the device used. As a hybrid architecture supports cloud storage and data management, users can standardize and reuse visualizations across teams and sites.
What's more, application templates can save hours of engineering work. Users can start from a template, some of which are available as standard features, to develop an HMI. Systems integrators can reuse their engineering projects across multiple projects. Machine manufacturers can provide basic applications to their end-users. New users can get up and running more quickly.


4. Unlimited scalability and flexibility

A new-generation IHM solution must enable companies to adapt easily to their growth, and all this without any additional incremental cost.  Above all, companies must look for solutions that deliver unlimited use in terms of licenses, and in particular unlimited use in terms of PLC I/O, but also in terms of archived variables.





For companies needing to provide access to a large number of internal and external users, the ideal solution must also enable unlimited use of web and mobile clients.

Companies need to find a high-performance, reliable solution capable of supporting the acquisition of several hundred thousand PLC I/Os, and consequently archiving capacities of the same order, with high levels of performance in both data acquisition and subsequent data analysis.
The real cost of implementing an HMI software solution includes licenses, development and engineering costs, as well as maintenance costs for the life of the project. Companies will therefore need to ensure that the HMI solution addresses and manages the key issues in the project lifecycle, namely development efficiency, functional evolution, maintenance and diagnostics.


5. Secure HMI software

Security is a major issue. Companies need to choose software with integrated security capabilities to meet the growing need for advanced cybersecurity. A solution that supports hybrid-Cloud deployment offers the best of both worlds. Remote users can securely access the network from outside via any HTML5-compliant web browser.





The right HMI solution must offer security features that ensure encryption of data communications, SSL/HTTPS, and use of the latest Microsoft libraries. Integrating Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Azure authentication can provide single sign-on and multi-factor authentication. It is equally important that a solution does not use JAVA, as this introduces an increased threat vector. A leading provider will ensure that each release is reviewed by a team of experienced cybersecurity experts to ensure that it is even more secure and robust than the previous version.

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