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Inviato su 06/11/2024

Aggiornato il 01/10/2024

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AVEVA System Platform 2023 R2 P01

Questa versione include hotfix e miglioramenti della sicurezza per i seguenti prodotti:

  • AVEVA Application Server 2023 R2 P01 versione 23.1.001
  • AVEVA OMI 2023 R2 P01 versione 23.1.001
  • AVEVA InTouch HMI 2023 R2 P01 versione 23.1.001
  • AVEVA InTouch Web Client 2023 R2 P01 versione 23.1.001
  • AVEVA Historian Server 2023 R2 P01 versione 23.1.001
  • AVEVA Historian Client 2023 R2 P01 versione 23.1.001
  • AVEVA Platform Common Services versione 8.0.2
  • AVEVA Communication Drivers Pack 2023 R2 P01 versione 23.2.001
  • AVEVA Operations Control Logger (Logger) versione 23.1.001

New Features:

  • - Contiene "Security Catalog Information"; una raccolta di hash crittografici o impronte digitali.
  • - Contiene "Notice Files” che rappresentano i migliori sforzi di AVEVA per elencare i componenti OSS e le licenze utilizzate nel prodotto.


Technology Matrix Data Links (v23.1.001)

Supporto Tecnico


#Aggiunta Nuova TA

  • TA011 - Possibile errore nel rilevamento di determinati allarmi 

 #Aggiornata TN


Knowledge & Support Center



000038442      AVEVA Remote Access Guidelines

Application Server

000032914      Why Engines Overrun ?

000044841      Target platform is already owned by another Galaxy

000037859      Galaxy backup Error: There is not enough space on the disk.


000045242      Potential failure in detecting certain alarms


000011819      How To: Automatically start AlarmDBLogger without starting it as a Service.

000044598      InTouch Window does not open in WindowViewer.

000044597      InTouch Installation gets stuck at – “30F630D4-9587-4BEA-84BD-3B74315B0C85“

000044431      AlmDbView Control - Registry information is corrupt or missing

InTouch OMI

000041511      OMI Web client is not working from client node

000041563      Prerequisites for Using the OMI Web Client

OI Server

000046681      Client item datatype is not matching the true datatype

000046436      How to allow multiple Users in Telemetry Server Configurator

000046264      IEC 61850 Communication protocol driver

000045966      Performance Guidelines for OI-WEBSVC

000039673      MBTCP fails to provide data when more than one item is advised

000038128      Gateway Failed to start OPC Server locally, hr=80070005

000041382      Slow updates from ControlLogix or CompactLogix PLC

000040283      OI Server error Unknown error 0xC00005 raised

000041974      SSL Certificate conversion, getting private_ket.PEM from Certificate.PFX for OI MQTT

000044545      Siemens S7 200 Smart PLC communication

000041973      SSL Certificate conversion from .CER to .PEM for OI MQTT

WW MES     

000042462      Middleware service not starting after server restart

Aveva Edge / Indusoft

000035190      The connection between AVEVA Edge and Active Directory Domain Server constantly drops, if ICMP protocol/Ping is disabled.

000041512      AVEVA Edge 2023 failed to get license feature, it opens on Demo/Evaluation mode

000042640      Invalid License error at Runtime/Development on a licensed AVEVA Edge station

000041216      How can I upgrade an Indusoft Web Studio license to AVEVA Edge?

000040070      Error during AVEVA Edge License Activation - Serial Number is not active

000037952      AVEVA Edge and COSYS Driver troubleshooting guide

000036749      How to work with strings larger than 1024 characters when passing them into DB functions?

000036904      Can I open an InduSoft Web Studio project in AVEVA Edge?

000037171      Certain objects and features in Mobile Access are not functioning as expected compared to the AVEVA Edge local Viewer

000033792      Using Multiple Monitor with AVEVA Edge

000037120      How can I obtain specific information about an InduSoft license?

000036779      Correct procedure to add a Tag from Tag Integration

000037228      About Simultaneous Requests in AVEVA Edge

000037248      Troubleshooting communication drivers in AVEVA Edge

000037020      Where can I download InduSoft versions?

000037802      Troubleshooting VBS good practices in AVEVA Edge

000035757      Serial number has already been activated 10 times

000037949      Is redundancy supported by AVEVA Edge?

000037018      How can an AVEVA Edge license be deactivated or transferred from one machine to another?

000038048      How can I reactivate my InduSoft license if my hard drive is damaged?

000037003      How to reactivate my AVEVA Edge license?

000037019      How can an InduSoft Web Studio softkey license be deactivated or transferred from one machine to another?

000037197      Activate your new or updated InduSoft Web Studio license.


000046790      How to request Consignment Licenses for InduSoft Web Studio?

Recipe Management

000045247      Recipe Management Web client generates a CORS error "has been blocked by CORS Policy" when using IT SSL certificate

000045208      AVEVA Recipe Management Certificate dropdownlist inside AVEVA Configurator Only lists certificates where the subject CN exactly matches the machine HostName

000037514      Recipe Management User/Group list is not populated when tried to add user/group from Domain

000044953      Configuring AVEVA Recipe Management Component fails with Error Failed to read client: Forbidden 

Work Tasks

000046505      Unable to logout of repository

000046497      Works Tasks installation order with System Platform components

000038269      Worktasks links are not loading in the IDE

000034811      Navigation Link visible in Web Enterprise Console but not in Work Task Pro

000042404      Work Tasks stops updating Application Server Object attributes

000044932      Error when Configure License Server in Farm Configuration Wizard

AVEVA Connect

000042635      Email issues with CONNECT: Troubleshooting and Solutions

AVEVA Insight

000046326      Unable to Add or Remove Users in Insight Administrator Portal

000045530      Publishing new tags from Excel file are not appearing in the Insight
                            Download as PDF

000045527      Insight Historian Publisher crashes while publishing excel file to Insight


Security Central

Microsoft Security Updates Reports
ATTENZIONE ai nuovi Release Date 23/10/2024 (SecurityCentralSupportedProducts.xlsx)

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