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TechNews Février 2025 - Découvrez toute l'actualité du mois

Rédigé par L'Équipe Support Technique | 24 mars 2025 11:29:27


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AVEVA Work Tasks 2023 R2


AVEVA Work Tasks 2023 R2 est la version la plus sécurisée de Work Tasks et apporte la compatibilité avec System Platform 2023 R2 SP1. La documentation de la dernière version est disponible en ligne à l'adresse suivante : https://docs.aveva.com/bundle/work-tasks

Notes sur la version

La version 2023 R2 apporte les améliorations suivantes :

  • Prise en charge de la System Platform 2023 R2 SP1
  • Amélioration de la cybersécurité
  • Prise en charge de l'authentification unique (SSO) redondante pour AVEVA Identity Management Server
  • Bibliothèque de graphiques modernes et sécurisés
  • Les connexions RabbitMQ sont automatiquement rétablies en cas de déconnexion du serveur
  • Petites améliorations dans les domaines suivants :
    • TimeOut WebAPI configurable
    • Point de terminaison WebAPI configurable
    • Le modèle de tâche d'email a été mis à jour afin que les réponses puissent être obtenues en appuyant sur un bouton.
    • Prise en charge de l'ECMA Script 2021 dans les Forms

  • Ajout de correctifs et mises à jour technologiques


Base de connaissances et support


License Mgr

000050228     The License Core service is missing from the list of services. Unable to configure Licensing in the configurator.The local License Server is not appearing in the License Manager


Application Server

000050582   System Platform setup.exe fails to run

000050451    Could not connect to the license server. The reason could be that since this is a workgroup environment

000049814    Change Network Account Utility is not working using Command Line, "The System cannot find the file specified"

000050050    Warning : Could not find referenced graphic


000050229   Unable to delete a tag . It says it is still being used by a window that is already deleted.

000050214   InTouch screen updates pause at a regular interval.

OI Server

000042616    Repeating warnings in the logger for GDIEvent::Purge - Acquire global mutex, failed

000043435   OI WEBSVC REST connection test is successful, but fails with 401 error in runtime

000041975    RabbitMQ SSL Certificates Configuration

000043151    OI-Server is stopping after 5 ~ 10 minutes, after Window Viewer is opened.


000050445  Symbol with Embedded aaTrendControl fails to work on subsequent opens


000050535  Custom .NET application using MES API fails to connect to Middleware/Proxy

000050533  MES Operations Capability Object Counters Limitation

Aveva Edge  

000035757   The AVEVA Edge serial number has been activated too many times and is no longer valid

000042308    The ITMEViewApp object is in error status after migrating it from version 2023 to 2023 R2

Recipe Management

000049892      RM Recipe timing out while Writing Parameters


000049999      Unable to deploy OMI ViewApp under WebViewEngine

Support Article 

000037003    How to activate my AVEVA Edge license?

000036093    AVEVA Edge won't be able to detect a USB dongle license (Hardkey) if a second Wibu brand USB do..

Centre de sécurité

Microsoft Security Updates Reports. 

ATTENTION à la nouvelle date de publication 26/02/2025 (SecurityCentralSupportedProducts.xlsx)
